New Dental Distributors in 2018!
Founded in Israel in 2003, SkyLimit-Dental is a leading research, marketing and
sales company focused on helping dental companies establish export markets and overseas distribution.
Over the years, Skylimit has become a valuable resource for dental manufacturers around the world.
From dental equipment to implants to accessories - the Skylimit database will provide you with the most relevant distributors you need to connect with.
Questions? Email us at hillel@skylimit.co.il
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Hillel may not be an oral surgeon, but he does have many years of experience working with dental manufacturers and helping them to enter new markets and increase sales. His knowledge and expertise in the field of B2B research has not only been recognized by the dental industry but also across many many others industries as well.
Dental Distributor Database
Seeking to connect with new dental distributors?
Skylimit-Dental is a leading provider of information on dental distributors
This means - complete contact details: Name, Title, Company, Website, Email, Tel, Fax & Social Media Accounts.
We would like to offer you the chance to discover the information in our database!
Questions? Please email at: hillel@skylimit.co.il
Aside from being a database - we have actively helped dental companies enter new markets
Interested in knowing the distributors of your competitors?
Finding the distributors of your competitors may be the best way for you to develop your sales in a territory where you are not yet represented.
We have helped countless dental manufacturers connect with the distributors of their competitors.
Interested in learning more? Email us at hillel@skylimit.co.il
Interested in Entering the Israeli Market?
Skylimit is based in Israel and we know this market very well. Let Skylimit help you enter the Israeli market with confidence.
If you are seeking a local agent to represent you in Israel and pave the way for your company -
We schedule meetings with importers and distributors.
Interested in learning more? Email us at hillel@skylimit.co.il
IDS 2017 - Pre-Exhibition Meeting Scheduling
Paltop Advanced Dental Solutions (since 2010) manufactures premium cutting-edge implant components. The company is currently selling in over 20 countries.
IDS 2017
Prior to the IDS 2017 show in Germany, Paltop expressed a great deal of interest in pre-exhibition activity and connected with Skylimit in order to help them schedule meetings with German dental distributors prior to the show.
(Paltop did not have a German speaking manager on their team)
Skylimit's German Market Regional Manager, Mr. Ben Grant researched and connected with German distributors and helped schedule meetings for Paltop at the show. Ben is not only a native German speaker but a business professional with many years of experience in opening doors for companies interested in the German market.
Although Ben did not attend the show, Skylimit was able to organize a local professional from Germany who helped man the booth and converse with German dental distributors...in German.
By having the whole process - research, phone calls and booth presence - in German, this allowed Paltop to have effective meetings at the IDS 2017 show in Germany
Entering the Latin American Markets with the Help of Skylimit
TAG Dental, (a Division of T.A.G Medical Products,) produces state of the art implant products including dental implants, dental instruments, superstructures, and biological materials.
TAG is selling in many countries and expressed interest in entering the Latin American markets.
TAG did not have a Spanish speaking sales manager.
A little over 6 months ago TAG approached Skylimit for help.
Skylimit to the rescue!
Hillel Porath together with Skylimit's regional director for the Spanish markets were able to research and create a powerful list of distributors in Chile, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.
Thanks to the efforts of Skylimit, TAG recently closed a distribution agreement with a leading distributor in the Chilean market.
We will hopefully see more distribution partners in the coming months in other areas.
IDS 2017 - Pre-Exhibition Meeting Scheduling via LinkedIn
MagDent (since 2010) is the creator of the 'MED' (Miniaturized Electromagnetic Device) for the dental implants market.
The MED creates an electromagnetic field around the implant, which stimulates bone growth and suppresses infection.
Magdent was interested in using LinkedIn as a tool to help reach out and schedule meetings with dental implant manufacturers at the show and to create exposure for Magdent prior to the show.
Skylimit's LinkedIn Manager, Mr. Nir Cohen managed the activity via a LinkedIn account that was set up for Magdent and targeted manufacturers visiting the show and simultaneously building up their network of relevant dental professionals.
Nir was able to schedule 12 high quality meetings for Magdent at the show (one company included the Straumann Group)
Penetrating the US Dental Market
Augma Biomaterials (since 2010) is introducing the fastest, easiest and most efficient bone graft that the market has ever seen.
Dr. Amos Yahav, CEO of Augma had two business trips planned and was seeking to make the most out of both trips.
The first trip was to the 2017 AO Annual Meeting in Florida and from there to the 2017 IDS Show in Germany.
With very little time prior to the shows, Hillel Porath, (Director of research & marketing at Skylimit) was able to research and schedule quality meetings for Dr. Yahav at both shows.
4 meetings at the AO Annual Meeting
3 meetings at IDS (one meeting was with one of the largest dental distributors in the US)
Today, Hillel is working with Augma in the US market. As a result of his work - one distributor has already placed his first orders with Augma and several others on their way.
Opening Doors in the Italian Market
Admetec is a manufacturer of surgical goggles for dentists who specialize in implant implants.
The company currently markets in many countries such as Spain, Portugal, Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia and France.
Prior to their participation in the IDS-2017 dental exhibition, Admetec expressed interest in the Italian market.
Admetec approached SkyLimit for assistance.
The project manager at SkyLimit for the Italian market is Eduardo Segre.
Eduardo, Italian born and based out of Italy is well acquainted with the dental market.
SkyLimit conducted a research in Italy to locate potential distributors.
Eduardo approached these distributors directly and invited the 8 most suitable distributors to the Admetec booth at the IDS exhibition.
At the show, Admetec signed with the most suitable distributor for the Italian market.
Opening Doors in the Italy, South Africa and the UK
Cortex Dental Implants (since 2008) is an innovative manufacturer of dental implants, prosthetic products and surgical kits.
Cortex has operations in many countries around the world and was seeking to enter three new markets - Italy, South Africa and the UK.
During a six-month period (2016-2017), Hillel Porath (Director of research & marketing at Skylimit) researched and located over 130 distributors in all three regions.
Important to note: This research included not only the website links of these distributors but the personal contacts details of the relevant managers.
From the beginning of the process - the Director of Sales at Cortex received lists of accurate contacts on weekly basis.
As a result of the combined efforts of the research provided by Skylimit and the Cortex sales team - Cortex has signed on new distributors in Italy, South Africa and hopefully very soon in the UK!
Skylimit Strategic Marketing Solutions - www.skylimit.co.il - Tel: 972-3-6703334 - msh@skylimit.co.il - POB 4178 Ramat Gan, Israel